
Foundation Company Partnership Toolkit

A growing number of foundations are providing funding to biotech and pharma companies to incentivize research in their disease areas and help start-ups cross the 'Valley of Death'. Use the information in this toolkit to find the right partners and structure agreements to help you achieve your goals. Produced with generous support from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

Business Process Overview and Due Diligence Checklist to Assess New Small Business Funding Opportunities
Source: FasterCures/Foundation Fighting Blindness

Deal Checklist
Source: Schaner & Lubitz, PLLC

Foundation Agreement with Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Company
Source: Schaner and Lubitz, PLLC

Measuring and Improving Impact
Source: Milken Institute's FasterCures Center

Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement
Source: Schaner and Lubitz, PLLC

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