Advisory Board Academic and Policy Council

The Academic and Policy Council convenes prominent experts from a range of disciplines to advance policies and practices that improve the lives of older adults.

A female-presenting person with short light hair wearing a blue blazer against a blurred background.

Elizabeth Blackburn

Nobel Laureate; Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
A smiling female-presenting person wearing eye glasses and a black blazer against a blurred background.

Alice Bonner

Adjunct Faculty and Director of Strategic Partnerships for the CAPABLE Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
A female-presenting person with shoulder-length hair wearing a white top against a blurred background.

Laura Carstensen

Professor of Psychology and Farleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Center on Longevity
A female-presenting person with dark hair wearing a blue blazer against a light background.

Angelique Chan

Associate Professor & Executive Director, Centre for Ageing Research and Education, Duke NUS Medical School
A male-presenting person wearing red eye glasses and a bow tie against a warm background.

Joseph Coughlin

Founder and Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab
A smiling female-presenting person wearing eye glasses against a blurred background.

Ruth Finkelstein

Rose Dobrof Executive Director & Professor of Urban Public Health, Brookdale Center for Aging, Hunter College, City University of New York
A female-presenting person with short dark hair wearing green earrings against a light background.

Linda Fried

Dean and DeLamar Professor of Public Health, Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
A smiling female-presenting person with light hair wearing a red top against a blurred background.

Teresa Ghilarducci

Director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at the New School
A smiling female-presenting person with blonde hair wearing a dark blazer against a blurred green background.

Lynn Goldman

Michael and Lori Milken Dean, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University
A smiling male-presenting person wearing eye glasses and a black blazer with a bow tie against a light background.

Yves Joanette

Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Director, Digital Health Consortium, University of Montréal
A smiling male-presenting person wearing a black blazer against a light gray background.

Robert Kramer

Co-Founder and Strategic Advisor, National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care; President and Founder, Nexus Insights
A smiling female-presenting person with curly hair wearing a dark blazer against a blurred background.

Becca Levy

Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Professor of Psychology, Yale University
A male-presenting person wearing eye glasses against a blurred background.

Andrew Scott

Professor of Economics, London Business School; Co-Founder, The Longevity Forum; Author, “The 100-Year Life”
A smiling male of Indian heritage with black and gray hair wearing a tan jacket of a button-up shirt against a dark gray background

Nirav Shah

Senior Scholar, Stanford University
A smiling male-presenting person wearing a red tie against a blurred background.

Rodney Slater

Co-Chairman, Transportation, Shipping and Logistics Practice, Squire Patton Boggs; Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation
A smiling male-presenting person wearing eye glasses and a black blazer against a gray background.

Fernando Torres-Gil

Professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy and Director, Center for Policy Research on Aging, University of California, Los Angeles