Advisory Board Leadership Council

The Leadership Council is the premier forum for leaders seeking to raise awareness, drive change, and ensure that individuals, institutions, and societies are prepared for an aging population.
A female-presenting person with light hair wearing a patterned top against a gray background.

Dana Ardi

Managing Director and Founder, Corporate Anthropology Advisors, LLC; Senior Advisor, M Center of Excellence
A smiling light-skinned male with gray hair wearing a suit and tie and glasses against a white background

Ray Braun

President & CEO, National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC)
A female-presenting person with blonde hair wearing a pink top against a blurred background.

Catherine Collinson

President, Transamerica Institute; Executive Director, Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement
A smiling male-presenting person wearing a collared top against a light background.

Scott Frisch

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, AARP
A smiling female-presenting person with long brown hair wearing a silky peach top against a gray background.

Abby Levy

Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Primetime Partners
A smiling female-presenting person with blonde hair wearing a gold necklace against a blurred background.

Nancy Lynn

Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, Bright Focus Foundation

Hon Pak

Senior Vice President, Head of Team, Digital Health Team, Mobile eXperience, Samsung Electronics
A smiling Black man wearing a dark suit and tie and glasses against a gray background

Kai Walker

Head of Retirement Research and Inclusion Transformation, Bank of America Workplace Benefits