“Your well-being, your wealth, is very intertwined and dependent on other people's well-being....That is the philosophy that also drives us because we know that our children's well-being cannot be isolated from the well-being of the other children in South Africa, or other kids on the continent, for that matter.”
When Precious Moloi began her career as a doctor in South Africa, she would eventually open the first women’s clinic in Johannesburg. After marrying Patrice Motsepe, they would become the wealthiest Black couple in South Africa, and the first on the continent to join the Giving Pledge. As a fashion entrepreneur, Dr Moloi-Motsepe has lifted young South African designers to international renown. And through the Motsepe Foundation, this Renaissance woman from Soweto has pledged millions to alleviate the continent’s COVID crisis.
“It's been quite challenging,” she tells Mike on the podcast. “And it's really called for solidarity from all sectors of society—from business, from ordinary people, from government—we’ve just been working together. I guess this is one positive thing that we've never seen—collaborations at such high levels, and with so much compassion and determination.”