Director, Environmental and Social Innovation team, Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy
John Schellhase is a director on the Environmental and Social Innovation team at Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy, where his work focuses on social impact philanthropy. As part of his work, Schellhase contributes to and manages projects related to strengthening corporate philanthropy and operating innovation competitions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
Deep, liquid capital markets are fundamental to economic growth because they help channel the domestic savings of a nation to their most productive uses, and in so doing enable the private sector to invest, produce, and create jobs. But while much work has been done on improving the investment climate in developing countries for institutional investors, less work has focused on the institutional investors themselves.
Policymakers in developing countries, however, must find a regulatory balance that helps enable the development of the buy side into a force for capital-market deepening, financial stability, and long-term finance while at the same time upholding the fiduciary requirements of these institutions to protect the savings with which they have been entrusted. To foster this kind of balanced regulatory regime, it is fundamental for regulators to understand how domestic institutional investors respond to regulatory and other incentives.
In order to address this question, we undertook a comprehensive survey of buy-side institutions based in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda—focus countries for our study in the East African Community (EAC). Participating firms accounted for just under half of total assets under management (AUM) by the insurance and pension industries in these countries. Through questionnaires and interviews with key decision-makers in asset management and national regulatory authorities, we sought to understand how institutional investors manage their portfolios, the factors that influence their decisions, and the hurdles they face in taking a more diversified portfolio approach. We used these evidence-based findings to identify areas for potential policy and regulatory reform that can achieve the dual objectives of encouraging deeper capital markets and sources of long-term finance and ensuring that long-term savings are prudentially managed.
China has become an engine of the world economy, contributing 20 percent of global GDP growth in 2015. For most of the past two decades, China has run surpluses on both its current and financial accounts, resulting in a significant...
Washington D.C., USA, December 19, 2023—To help strengthen local capital markets, IFC and the Milken Institute have joined forces with Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business to provide advanced knowledge and skills training to...
Paul Guequierre is the director of strategic communications. In this role, he works to increase the profile of Milken Institute in the media, raise the visibility of issues important to the organization and its stakeholders, and expand the Institute's digital presence.
With approximately 12 million citizens and a nominal GDP of just under $9 billion, the Rwandan economy is small. However, through a series of well-designed and well-managed national policy reforms, the government has maintained...
Economists have repeatedly demonstrated a relationship between financial sector sophistication and economic growth. While developing countries have often emphasized establishing a sound banking sector, as economies grow and become more...
Director, Environmental and Social Innovation team, Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy
John Schellhase is a director on the Environmental and Social Innovation team at Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy, where his work focuses on social impact philanthropy. As part of his work, Schellhase contributes to and manages projects related to strengthening corporate philanthropy and operating innovation competitions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
In response to the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent wave of regulation, financial institutions and regulators have begun to look for ways to use emerging technologies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory...
Growth in capital markets in the East African Community (EAC) has not kept up with the pace of economic growth. Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania all posted annual growth rates above 5.4 percent over 2015-2017. This makes East Africa the fastest...
Director, Global Market Development, Milken Institute International
Carole Biau is a director for Global Market Development at the Milken Institute, where she works to inform financial and economic policy across developing and emerging markets.
On March 14, 2014 the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets (CFM) hosted a working roundtable titled “Framing the Issues: Strengthening Capital Markets in Developing Countries.” The day-long event in Washington, DC convened scholars...
How should Rwanda develop its capital markets? This was the subject of a three-day roundtable discussion held in October 2015 in Rubavu, Rwanda. In framing the key challenges and opportunities that the country faces in developing capital...
After an eight-month intensive program, graduates from 18 nations are honored in online ceremony WASHINGTON, April 24, 2020 — In a moving ceremony connecting participants around the country, the Milken Institute, International Finance...
Director, Global Market Development, Milken Institute International
Carole Biau is a director for Global Market Development at the Milken Institute, where she works to inform financial and economic policy across developing and emerging markets.
All around the world, financial system policymakers continue to respond vigorously to the problems in financial markets, institutions, and regulation and supervision brought into relief by the crisis of 2007 through 2009. However, the...
In 2015, the Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning mandated the Capital Market Authority (CMA) of Rwanda to develop a Capital-Market Master Plan (CMMP). This plan will set the CMA’s policy strategy for the next 10 years. It will...
Director, Environmental and Social Innovation team, Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy
John Schellhase is a director on the Environmental and Social Innovation team at Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy, where his work focuses on social impact philanthropy. As part of his work, Schellhase contributes to and manages projects related to strengthening corporate philanthropy and operating innovation competitions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
By 2013, Israel’s IPO market had collapsed and 95 percent of start-ups were being sold to foreign entities. These conditions put at risk the future of local capital investment and overall economic growth in Israel. To focus on reinventing...