Dr. Joep Muijrers has broad experience in the healthcare sector, including senior roles in portfolio management, company operations and investment banking. In his current role as General Partner at Gilde Healthcare, he focuses on investing in innovative healthcare companies. He is also responsible for managing Gilde’s Impact Council, which consists of world-leading experts who advise Gilde and its portfolio companies on strategies that provide better care at lower cost. Before joining Gilde Healthcare, Joep served as Chief Financial Officer at PureTech Health, a Boston-based healtchare company. Prior to PureTech, Joep worked as Portfolio Manager at LSP (Life Sciences Partners; now part of EQT) where he invested in healthcare companies. Prior to joining LSP, Joep gained experience as an investment banker, and obtained his Ph.D. in molecular biology from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Joep is a frontrunner in multi-stakeholder interactions, and has been an invited speaker at the European Medicines Agency, NICE, ISPOR, PFMD, BIO, DIA and many other organizations. He has served on the Board of Directors of seven healthcare companies and as an advisor to several not-for-profit entities.