Athena Rae Roesler is an associate director on the public health team at Milken Institute Health. Her work champions and evaluates public health policies, solutions, and partnerships to build a more equitable world. Some of her current projects include scaling food is medicine interventions, public health policy advocacy, and researching systems change approaches for employers to support whole-person health in the workplace. Roesler previously led a partnership with the DC government leveraging food procurement to support nutrition, the environment, and equitable local economies. Roesler’s experience in public health started literally from the ground up, teaching farm-based nutrition to thousands of students across Arizona, Washington, DC, and South India. She was part of a research team evaluating California’s sugary drink tax and warning label policies. At Leah’s Pantry, a nonprofit supporting California SNAP-Ed, she furthered behavioral economics-based and trauma-informed nutrition security initiatives. Her graduate research centered on the human right to food, a dignified emergency food system, and strategies to reduce health disparities. Roesler holds a Master of Public Health in public health nutrition from the University of California, Berkeley and a BA in public health and educational studies from American University.