Ceci Connolly is a nationally recognized thought leader, author and chief executive officer of the Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP). But if you refer to her as a former ink-stained wretch, she won’t object. Ceci spent 25 years in the news business, covering politics and health care, including 13 years at the Washington Post. She is co-author of Landmark: America's New Health Care Law and What It Means for Us All. Between her journalism career and ACHP, she worked at McKinsey and PwC, concluding that fee-for-service medicine is what ails us. Her passion now is to put a stake in it. She is a founding member of Women of Impact, serves on the Board of the Pharmacy Quality Alliance and a previous Board member of Whitman-Walker Health. She hosts the Healthy Dialogue podcast and is a guest host for Her Story. Ceci was the first non-physician to receive the Mayo Clinic Plummer Society Award for promoting deeper understanding of science and medicine. She remains an adrenaline junkie and stickler for good grammar.