
Jonathan Rosand

Founder, Global Brain Care Coalition; Co-Founder, McCance Center for Brain Health; J P Kistler Endowed Chair in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital; Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Associate Member, Broad Institute

Jonathan Rosand is an internationally renowned scientist, clinician, educator, mentor, and visionary leader at the forefront of tackling some of the most pressing challenges in brain disease through global and multidisciplinary collaboration. Co-founder of the McCance Center for Brain Health and former Chief of Neurocritical Care at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Rosand is a Professor of Neurology at Harvard and Associate Member of the Broad Institute. His research program in cerebrovascular health, launched over 20 years ago, continues to be a world leader in high-throughput genomic, imaging, and epidemiological stroke studies. He is now leveraging his lessons from a life devoted to caring for patients, his extensive global collaborative network and the rigorous science performed with his team at MassGeneral-Brigham to launch the Global Brain Care Coalition. The Coalition is an international network of private and public healthcare leaders, philanthropists, and governments who are committed to the mission of making proactive, science-based brain care simple and accessible to people around the world.