Marc Samuels serves as the CEO of ADVI Health, a strategic advisory firm solving complicated problems in healthcare with data-informed commercialization, market access, and policy expertise combining the advice, action, and tools of traditional consulting with the rigor and vision of experienced corporate strategists. Our unique datasets and targeted advocacy, advances innovation for leading lifescience manufacturers, finance, trade associations, and provider and patient advocacy groups and organizations Marc has played a role in nearly every seminal payment and coverage decision made by CMS over the last 20+ years. He was recognized as a top lobbyist for Medicare by the Boston Globe and his comments and analyses have appeared in STAT News, The Pink Sheet, Fierce Healthcare, the Journal of Oncology Practice, Medical Economics, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the Dallas Morning News, and Texas Medicine, among other publications. Marc spent nearly 10 years in public service, in policy roles for both President George HW Bush and President George W Bush, as chief of staff to Texas Medicaid, Governor’s Policy Director, Policy Associate in the White House Office of Policy Development and the President’s Council on Competitiveness. He is policy counsel to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, a board member of the Duke Margolis Institute for Health Policy, and a board member of the Rosenman Institute of the University of California San Francisco. Marc attended Yale School of Public Health, the University of Texas School of Law, and the University of Michigan.