Otis Rolley leads The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2030 sustainability development goal of decent work and economic growth, SDG Goal 8, within the United States. Recognizing low-wage workers as essential, even prior to Covid-19, Otis led all U.S. work focused on enhancing the ability of all workers to meet the basic financial needs of their families and achieve a better future. With a focus on equity, Otis provides stewardship for U.S. grantmaking and investing that is aligned to strategic levers to fill key US economic opportunity gaps in tax and budget policy design and implementation; access to capital and asset ownership; and worker coalition-building and advocacy. A true urbanist, Otis’s career has been dedicated to advancing equity, economic and community development in cities, and leading organizations in the for-profit, public, and non-profit sectors. His 20+ years of experience also includes serving in various leadership positions. He managed the strategic planning and urban development unit of a national management consulting firm. He has held cabinet roles with five different mayors in three large U.S. cities. He has been a chief of staff, managing a $2 billion budget; city planning director for America’s largest independent city; and he has served as the first deputy housing commissioner for the 5th largest public housing and community development agency in the United States.