Andy Stern retired in 2010 and is now President Emeritus of the 2.2-million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the largest union of health care, doctors, nurses, janitors, security officers, child care, home care, hospital, and state workers. SEIU grew by more than 1.2 million workers during his tenure, raised the nation’s largest political action fund, led the efforts to pass Obamacare, and turned thousands of traditionally underpaid service work into jobs that can help support a family. Called a "courageous, visionary leader who charted a bold new course for American unionism," Mr. Stern has been featured on 60 Minutes, CNN and on the covers of the New York Times Magazine, Fortune, Business Week, as well as being named the Fox Power Player of the Week. Mr. Stern was a Presidential Appointee on the Simpson-Bowles Commission and is now a Senior Fellow at The Economic Security Project, a consultant to a range of organizations, and a member of the KKR SEAC Committee. . His first book A Country That Works was published in 2005, and his second book published in 2015----Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Restore the American Dream highlights the threat to work and workers of rapidly advancing technological change, and explains how a universal basic income is a real solution.