Mayor Eric Adams has served the people of New York City as an NYPD officer, State Senator, Brooklyn Borough President, and now as the 110th Mayor of the City of New York. He gave voice to a diverse coalition of working families in all five boroughs and is leading the fight to bring back New York City’s economy, reduce inequality, improve public safety, and build a stronger, healthier city that delivers for all New Yorkers. During his time with the NYPD, he rose to the rank of captain, helping to build the first computerized system for tracking crime in the city, which led to historic gains in public safety. From the NYPD, he moved on to the State Senate, where he represented sections of central and Brownstone Brooklyn. He also became the first person of color to chair the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee. Eric became a national leader on public health policy after learning he had developed Type 2 diabetes. His work has already led to successful proactive public health efforts across the city and increased education in schools and with high-risk populations in lower-income areas, partnering with civic organizations and health experts. He received his master’s degree in public administration from Marist College, and is a graduate of New York City Technical College and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Eric is a lifelong New Yorker and a proud product of New York City public schools.
Visit Barnes & Noble to learn more about Mayor Eric Adams' latest book, Healthy at Last.