Goldie Hawn is an Academy Award winning actress, producer, director, best-selling author and true children's advocate. She is the Founder of The Goldie Hawn Foundation, a public charity with a mission to equip children with the social and emotional skills they need to lead smarter, healthier, happier and ultimately more productive lives. Alarmed by increases in school violence, youth depression and suicide, Hawn started her Foundation in 2003, applying cutting edge scientific research to create education programs that support the social and emotional development of children. Working with leading neuroscientists, educators, psychologists and researchers, the Foundation developed MindUP an evidence-based curriculum for grades K-12 that provide tools to help children self-regulate and understand their own emotions; reduce stress and anxiety; sharpen concentration; increase empathy; and improve academic performance. MindUP is the signature program of The Goldie Hawn Foundation which is serving over six million children in the US, Canada, UK, Finland, Ireland, Greece, Venezuela, Uganda, Portugal, Serbia, Jordan, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand. Visit Barnes & Noble to learn more about Goldie Hawn's latest book 10 Mindful Minutes.