Kal Raustiala is the Promise Institute Professor of Comparative and International Law at UCLA Law School and Professor at the UCLA International Institute. Since 2007 he has served as Director of the UCLA Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations. Professor Raustiala's research focuses on international law, international relations, and intellectual property. His recent publications include “The Fight Against China's Bribe Machine,” FOREIGN AFFAIRS, October 2021; “Innovation in the Information Age: The United States, China, and the Struggle Over Intellectual Property in the 21st Century,” 58 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW (June 2020); “The Second Digital Disruption: Streaming and the Dawn of Data-Driven Creativity,” NYU LAW REVIEW (2019; "An Internet Whole and Free: Why Washington Was Right to Give Up Control," FOREIGN AFFAIRS (March/April 2017) and "Governing the Internet," 110 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, (July 2016)