As Managing Director and Chief Fixed Income Strategist for the Schwab Center for Financial Research, Kathy is responsible for interest rate and currency analysis as well as fixed income education for investors at Schwab. She has analyzed global bond, foreign currency, and commodity markets extensively throughout her career as an investment analyst and strategist, working with both institutional and retail clients. Prior to joining Schwab in 2011, Kathy was a fixed-income strategist at Morgan Stanley, where she specialized in global macro strategy covering domestic and international bonds and foreign exchange. She has also been a consultant in the alternative investment area and previously served as executive vice president of the Debt Capital Markets division of Prudential Securities. Kathy received her undergraduate degree with honors in English literature from Northwestern University and her MBA in finance from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Kathy makes regular broadcast appearances on Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, and CNBC, and is often quoted by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times, and Reuters.