Stephanie von Friedeburg serves as Senior Vice President, Operations at IFC. In this role, Ms. von Friedeburg leads all IFC investment operations and advisory services, managing IFC’s $60 billion debt and equity portfolio in more than 100 countries. Ms. von Friedeburg began her World Bank Group career at IFC, spending more than two decades in IFC investment operations. There, she developed strong regional expertise in Eastern and Central Europe, and Africa, working at the heart of a number of systemic shifts in modern history. In the 1990s, she worked with the government of the newly constituted Russian Federation to privatize Soviet-era government enterprises. In the 2000s, she led IFC’s telecommunications division during a decade when mobile phone users boomed from 400 million to almost 4 billion. Later, as Chief Information Officer for the World Bank Group, she modernized the IT infrastructure for the Bank’s operations in over 130 countries. In addition to an MBA from the Wharton School, Ms. von Friedeburg holds a Master of Arts from the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.