Chris is the Chief Investment Officer of the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, the debt lender within the US government with over $300bn of lending authority for emerging and first-of-a-kind energy projects and other high-impact energy-related ventures. The LPO mandate is to help American energy and energy-related companies make investments that will help companies and technologies cross the "bridge to bankability”, creating high quality American jobs and wealth opportunities for all Americans, while also addressing environmental justice and equity priorities and strengthen our energy security and supply chains. Prior to joining the DOE, Chris was at Goldman Sachs for more than 20 years as a Managing Director and portfolio manager, co-leading the MBS and Securitized investment team, managing over $75bn in assets across mutual funds and separate accounts at GSAM. He graduated from Brown University with an Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics - Economics in 2000, and is the chair of the board of trustees at St. John's High School in Shrewsbury, MA.