Eric Kaplan serves as President of Financial Literacy for All (www.fl4a.org) – a nonprofit initiative that seeks to make financial literacy a fundamental part of our nation – and as EVP of its founding organization, Operation HOPE (www.operationhope.org). He brings to FL4ALL a three-decade career focusing on housing and consumer finance, law, policy, and advocacy. Eric previously led the Milken Institute’s housing finance program from 2017-2021 as a Director within the Center for Financial Markets, and remains a Senior Advisor to the Milken Institute. Eric served a two-year appointed term (2019-2021) on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Consumer Advisory Board, chairing the board in his second year. He is an independent board member of Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC, a board member of the Cameron Kravitt Foundation, and chair of the Fixed Income Investor Network RMBS Task Force. He is a former board member of the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization and the Structured Finance Association, and has advised government, private sector, and nonprofit stakeholders on a wide range of initiatives and issues. Eric holds an AB in politics from Princeton University and a JD from Boston University School of Law. He has held legal, securities, and mortgage loan originator licenses over the course of his career.