Aimée Christensen is CEO of Christensen Global where she leverages deep expertise and a diverse network to build an equitable, secure, and restorative world. She collaborates with climate innovators, global businesses, multilateral institutions and philanthropists, including Aleph Farms, Duke Energy, Ford Motor Company, the Global Ocean Commission, Mastercard Impact Fund, Microsoft, Riskthinking.Ai, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Russell Family Foundation, and the Virgin Group. Over her 30 year career, she has been a policymaker at The White House and U.S. Department of Energy, a climate and clean energy lawyer at the World Bank and Baker & McKenzie, and Climate Maven at Google. She negotiated the first U.S. climate change agreements (US-Costa Rica 1994, et al), she successfully advocated for the adoption of the first climate investment responsibility policy which was adopted by Stanford University’s Board of Trustees in 1999. She launched Google.org’s first climate impact project, RechargeIT, to accelerate the electrification of transportation and gained Google’s 2007 commitment to carbon neutrality. She served as Senior Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General’s High-level Group on Sustainable Energy For All (2012) and founded and led the Sun Valley Institute for Resilience (2015-2020) and Sun Valley Forum (2015-present). She is an Aspen Institute Catto Fellow (2010), she is the 2011 Leadership Laureate of the Hillary Institute (New Zealand), and is an Idaho Business Review Woman of the Year (2020). She has a JD from Stanford Law School and a BA from Smith College.