
His Excellency Iván Duque Márquez

33rd President, Republic of Colombia; Author, "Nuestro Futuro"

Former President of the Republic of Colombia (2018 – 2022), politician, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. Iván Duque is the father of three and the husband of Maria Juliana. He was also the youngest elected President in Colombia’s history at the age of 41 in 2018. Currently, he serves as a Distinguished Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a Transformational Distinguished Fellow at Oxford University, a Distinguished Fellow at WRI, a Leadership Fellow at FIU, a Distinguished Fellow at the Bezos Earth Fund, a Distinguished Fellow at EI University, Distinguished Fellow at Cornell University, Jane Goodall Foundation Council for Hope, Ambassador for the World Coalition for Nature, Africa Carbon Markets Initiative (ACMI) Steering Committee member, Conservation International Board Member, Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Board Member, the McKinsey Sustainability Advisory Council member and the FIFA Foundation Advisory Board. He is a global expert in security affairs, migration, sustainability, conservation, green finance, and energy transition. In 2022, he launched the Concordia Amazon Initiative to bring together the most brilliant minds to protect the Amazon. He also founded the I+D Foundation to promote young leadership from the most distant parts of Colombia.


Lessons Learned from COVID-19 - FC
Event Panel

Rewriting the Rules of Global Conservation

Lessons Learned from COVID-19 - FC
Event Panel

Geo-Economics Leadership Network Meeting (Invite only)

Lessons Learned from COVID-19 - FC
Event Panel

The State of the World: Conflict and Accord
