Kimi is the editor-in-chief of The Baltimore Banner, a multi-platform news organization overseeing all newsroom operations, policy, and content. Kimi is a former managing editor at the Los Angeles Times, where she worked for 21 years as a reporter, editor, and strategic leader, with oversight that crossed almost every area of coverage. In 2011, she helped guide the paper’s investigation into corruption in the city of Bell, which was awarded the Pulitzer Gold Medal for Public Service. A California native, Yoshino was a reporter at The Fresno Bee and The Stockton Record before joining The Times. Our mission: To be an indispensable resource that strengthens, unites, and inspires our Baltimore community. We will accomplish this through trustworthy, quality journalism that tells the varied stories of our people, delivers local news that readers are willing to support, and holds our leaders accountable. As a nonprofit founded by The Venetoulis Institute for Local Journalism, we are truly independent, and we do not endorse leaders or political candidates. Baltimore Banner journalists have deep ties to Baltimore. Reporters and editors include well-known former Baltimore Sun staffers—Andrea K. McDaniels, Liz Bowie, and Justin Fenton—who join other voices in providing insight, analysis, and solutions to Baltimore’s challenges and celebrating Baltimore’s opportunities and successes.