Michael Lustig retired after a 25-year career on Wall Street, and now devotes most of his time and energies toward non-profit & impact-related enterprises. Prior to retiring, Michael spent much of his career at the asset management firm BlackRock, where he was Managing Director overseeing Structured Mortgage & Derivative Products trading and acted as advisor/portfolio manager for the Federal Reserve's Global Financial Crisis-related managed assets. Michael is a Board Member/Trustee of: The Baron de Hirsch Fund, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, Israeli Forum for Impact Economy, Jewish Funders Network, and Jewish Community Relations Council of NY. He is a graduate of Columbia College, Columbia University, and is Adjunct Professor of Finance at NYU | Stern School of Business, and a Lecturer at several global institutions, teaching fulltime elective courses for MBAs in Fixed Income, Capital Markets, and Impact Finance. Michael has an Erdős number of 4. Michael serves on the Boards of Hopr.AI, jiritsu.network, and NatureGrowth, as well as maintaining several other corporate Advisory & Board positions through his Impact and Tech-focused investments. He has curated several exhibits at The Society of Illustrators and is a Licensed NYC Sightseeing Guide. Michael is the author of JFN’s Greenbook, A Guide to Jewish Impact Investing: https://www.jfunders.org/news/news.asp?id=661714.Michael lives in Manhattan with his wife Rachel, and their three wonderful children.