Sarah Ezrin, E-RYT 500, is the award-winning author of The Yoga of Parenting. She is a world-renowned yoga educator, and maternal mental health advocate based in California. At this time, when honest self-awareness is so important, Sarah’s is an essential and exemplary voice. Sarah writes extensively on the subjects of yoga, parenting, and mental health, often interweaving these themes. Her work ranges from heavily-reported assignments to personal essays to blog content for brands. She is a regular contributor for Yoga Journal Magazine, Motherly, Yoga International, Healthline, Yahoo! Parenting, Scary Mommy, Mind Body Green, Mantra Magazine, and LA Yoga Magazine. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine, Bustle, LA Weekly, KRON4 San Francisco, and NBC News. Sarah's willingness to be unabashedly honest and vulnerable along with her innate wisdom, make her writing, teaching, and social media great sources of healing and connection for many people. Sarah brings a wide spectrum of life experiences into everything she does. She is unafraid of sharing all sides of herself. She does so in the hope of giving others permission to be their most authentic self. Sarah is a well-respected yoga teacher and a leader in the wellness community. A world traveler since birth, she leads trainings, parenting circles, workshops, and retreats across the globe. She is outspoken on social issues such as womxn’s equality and parent’s rights.