Alger Fung is Chief Executive Officer for AIA Hong Kong & Macau since 2021. Alger is passionate about driving leading customer experience and has led AIA Hong Kong to achieved 10 market share No. 1 in the 2023 Provisional Statistics on Hong Kong Long Term Insurance Business, whilst AIA Hong Kong & Macau delivered exceptional business performance with growth on multiple fronts, making it the largest contributor to AIA Group’s Value of New Business (VONB) in 2023. Prior to this role, Alger was Chief Executive Officer of AIA Thailand. He led the AIA Thailand team to significantly expand its protection propositions and strengthen its unit-linked business, while continuing to raise the productivity of the agency force. The partnership with Bangkok Bank was also strengthened with sustained new business growth and increased productivity of the banca sales force. Before leading the AIA Thailand business, Alger was the General Manager of Guangdong Branch, AIA China, where he transformed the agency business into a full-time, professional agency model that delivered significant VONB growth, contributing towards AIA China’s overall outstanding track record of success. Alger brings with him a wealth of experience with over 25 years in the life insurance industry. Throughout his career, he has served in a wide range of leadership roles with an exceptional track record of success. He is a Governing Committee Member of The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, and an Executive Committee Member of the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand.