Mr. Mendoza holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Harvard University, and a Bachelor Degree on Business Administration from McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin.His broad experience from the public and private sector, has provided Mr. Mendoza with a strategic vision on finance for development and economic growth.Mr. Mendoza is currently the CEO of Banobras, the largest development bank in Mexico, a financial institution that is behind key infrastructure projects at the national, state and local level, and a key player in the strengthening of public finance of subnational governments. Banobras is also the institution in charge of managing the National Infrastructure Fund (FONADIN).Previously, Mr. Mendoza was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), Assistant Director General at the Public Credit Unit and the International Affairs Division of the Ministry of Finance (SHCP).In the private sector, Mr. Mendoza collaborated with Barclays Capital in the mergers and acquisition team for Latin America, and with Credit Suisse in the investment bank team, both based in New York City, USA.