Mr. Rodríguez has more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector and is recognized as an expert in the Retirement Savings System. In February 2024, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Banco Azteca and Azteca Servicios Financieros, after being responsible of Banco Azteca's deposit accounts and debit cards and Managing Director of Seguros and Afore Azteca. Throughout his professional career, he has been responsible for managing institutional portfolios worth more than 640 billion pesos benefiting over 11 million workers. His managerial experience includes positions in strategic planning, investment of financial assets and general management. Tonatiuh acted as independent consultant of the Mexican Derivatives Market, Board Member of PROCESAR, leading the work of the Investment Committee of AMAFORE and Fundación IMSS, served as director of the Instituto para la Seguridad y la Democracia S.C., as well as an independent board member of the rating agency HR Ratings. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics by ITAM, a master’s degree in economics by the University of Warwick, England, and is a graduate student of IPADE's AD2 Top Management Program.