Hamza Khushaim

Chief Strategy Officer, Hassana Investment Company

Hamza Khushaim is the Chief Strategy Officer at Hassana Investment Company, in his role he is responsible for investment and corporate strategy including strategic and tactical asset allocation decisions as well as the overall portfolio investment framework. Prior to 2022, Hamza was Chief Investment Officer for International Markets at Hassana where he was responsible for all of Hassana's external international managers. Prior to working for Hassana, Hamza was a portfolio manager overseeing absolute return hedge funds at KAUST Investment Management Company in Arlington, VA. Prior to KIMC, he worked for Saudi Aramco as a portfolio manager with Aramco's pension team. Additionally, Hamza is a member of the Board of Directors for AlRajhi Bank, one of the leading listed companies in the banking sector on the Saudi Stock Exchange. Hamza received a Bachelor's Degree in Finance with High Honors from Michigan State University and an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is also a CFA charterholder.


Event Panel

Values and Valuations: Investing in Resilience and Impact
