Rich Powell is the CEO of ClearPath and ClearPath Action, the DC-based organizations advancing policies that accelerate breakthrough innovations to reduce emissions in the energy and industrial sectors. Rich advises policymakers on investing wisely in energy innovation, removing roadblocks to building and exporting American clean energy and industrial technology, and maintaining and promoting our flexible clean energy resources. He frequently testifies before Congress on climate change and energy innovation. Rich serves on the boards of the 2040 Foundation and the Conservative Climate Foundation, is a Strategic Advisor to the Silverado Policy Accelerator, and is part of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center’s Advisory Group. Rich served on the Advisory Committee of the Export Import Bank of the United States from 2019 to 2021. Previously, Rich was with McKinsey & Company in the Energy and Sustainability practices. He focused on corporate clean energy strategy, government low carbon growth strategy, and cleantech market entry. Rich has a B.A. from Harvard College in Environmental Science and Public Policy, and a J.D. from New York University.