An image of an adult man named Tom Jurkiw. He has white skin, short brown hair, and a brunette beard. He is wearing glasses, a black blazer, a blue sweater underneath, and a tie, and smiling at the camera with an ambiguous outdoor background.

Tom Jurkiw, PhD

Associate Director, Science Philanthropy Accelerator for Research and Collaboration (SPARC) team, Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy

Tom Jurkiw, PhD, is an associate director of grants management on the Science Philanthropy Accelerator for Research and Collaboration (SPARC) team at Milken Institute Strategic Philanthropy. In this role, Jurkiw advances cutting-edge biomedical research by strategically managing grants that drive innovation in the biomedical sciences. His expertise lies in research program management, strategic planning, and fostering collaboration across the scientific community.

Previously, Jurkiw was a program officer at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In that role, he oversaw the administration and development of various fellowship programs in collaboration with federal government and private sponsors. His scientific background includes a doctorate in biological chemistry from the University of Michigan and a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and chemical biology from Wayne State University. Jurkiw is based at the Institute’s Washington, DC, office.