Global Conference 2022

Mental Health in ESG: Increasing Employer Value and Impact

Depression, isolation, and burnout now at an all-time high, have further contributed to the addiction crisis, resulting in unprecedented overdose deaths in 2021. According to the CDC, depression is estimated to cause a loss of 200 million workdays each year at a cost between $17 billion and $44 billion. At a time when shareholders increasingly analyze companies' ESG metrics to identify risks and opportunities, it's imperative to make a human capital investment in employees' mental health. Integrating mental health into ESG priorities would encourage employers to invest in, prioritize, and destigmatize evidence-based mental health resources for their employees. Providing mental health support at the employee level could lead to knock-on benefit within communities worldwide. Supporting employees' mental health could help organizations retain talent, increase economic impact, and bolster performance while keeping the workforce healthier and more satisfied.