Global Conference 2022

The Power of the Positive Economy: A Forecast of the Next Trillion in Economic Activity

Trillions of dollars were gained in personal wealth in the US and abroad throughout the pandemic, though this was not the case for the many least-wealthy billions worldwide facing worsening economies. Further, the racial wealth gap, which was eightfold in the pre-pandemic year, only widened. The Positive Economy is economic activity that directly improves society. This encompasses all the economic activity, both private and professional, that improves the common well-being, an economy that offers meaningful solutions to the greatest societal challenges. As demographics shift and the global economy evolves into a new COVID reality, it is imperative that key stakeholders are fully engaged to drive economic prosperity. In this session, global thought leaders will discuss how public and private institutions can address these challenges and facilitate solutions to ethically unlock the next trillion dollars of both US and global positive economic productivity.