A smiling light-skinned female-presenting person with light hair wearing a gray sweater and pink scarf against a blurred background

Julia Campbell

Misophonia Research Fund Scientific Advisory Board Member

Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Texas at Austin; MRF SAB Chair

Dr. Campbell is an Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the PI of the Central Sensory Processes Laboratory. She is a licensed audiologist, received her Doctorate of Audiology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and holds a triple PhD from the same institution in the following fields: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Behavioral Neuroscience; and Cognitive Neuroscience. Dr. Campbell utilizes high-density EEG methodology to study cortical plasticity of the auditory and visual systems across the lifespan, both in typical and clinical populations. She is currently developing objective clinical measures for use in central auditory disorders such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) and tinnitus.

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