

Milken Institute Philanthropy’s neuroscientists are experts in their field, working alongside donors to navigate the research landscape. Together, with our partners, SPARC experts identify the areas where philanthropy can be the force that brings together diverse perspectives from across disciplines and sectors, unlocks the areas where progress has stalled, and strives for better diagnostics and treatments for conditions that affect the brain. 

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A smiling male of Asian heritage wearing glasses and a suit and tie against a white background

Robin Hu

Chair, Asia, Milken Institute International
Robin Hu is Vice Chairman Asia at Temasek, a Singapore headquartered global investment firm.
A smiling male of Asian heritage with black hair wearing a suit and tie against an ambiguous background

Ian Tann

Director, Business and Program Development
Ian Tann is a director in the Business and Program Development team for the Milken Institute's Asia office based in Singapore. He works on building relationships with industry partners, corporations, and foundations with a primary focus on constituent groups based in Asia.
Mi Staff

Jason Lee

Senior Director, Operations and Business Development, Asia, Milken Institute International
Jason Lee is the senior director overseeing Operation and Business and Program Development at Milken Institute Asia based in Singapore.