A smiling light-skinned male-presenting individual wearing a patterned blue shirt with a blurred background

Kellen Silver

Associate, Environmental and Social Innovation, Milken Institute Philanthropy

Kellen Silver is an associate on the Environmental and Social Innovation team at the Milken Institute. In this role, he supports research and programming related to gun violence prevention and economic prosperity in the United States. His past work with Milken Institute Philanthropy included operations, communications, and impact evaluation for global innovation competitions. Silver also serves as a volunteer program director with a youth development and community engagement nonprofit in northern California. During his graduate studies, Silver supported the design and delivery of inter-community dialogue, social cohesion, and storytelling programs in South and Southeast Asia and Africa. He has also worked in health-care management strategy and operations. Silver holds a bachelor's degree in global affairs from Yale University and a master's degree in religion in global politics from SOAS, University of London. He is based at the Institute's Washington, DC, office.

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