Feeding Change is a team of food-system experts within the Milken Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank, who activate social and financial capital, engage policymakers and industry leaders, and convene key stakeholders to catalyze a more nutritious, sustainable, resilient, and equitable food system. Sitting at the intersection of finance and health, Feeding Change is uniquely positioned within the Milken Institute to provide expertise on how to leverage the Farm Bill to drive food systems transformation and achieve better health outcomes. Improving health outcomes will help reduce the prevalence and severity of chronic health conditions, which drive the greatest portion of healthcare costs.
Feeding Change worked with key stakeholders to inform the policy priorities in this document. These stakeholders include members from the Feeding Change Food Is Medicine (FIM) Task Force (an advisory group of nonprofit and academic FIM experts) and a Business Council of food systems leaders. These members represent over 50 companies and organizations across the insurance, health system, food retail, academic, nonprofit, technology, investment, agriculture, and food processing and manufacturing sectors. View a full list of FIM Task Force members and advisors.

Ilana Moreno

Holly Freishtat

Athena Rae Roesler
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