WASHINGTON, DC (March 9, 2023) — Today, Michael Piwowar, Executive Vice President, MI Finance, Milken Institute, provided testimony before the US House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets. Piwowar shared comments at the hearing “U.S. Public Markets Built for the 21st Century: Exploring Reforms to Make Our Public Markets Attractive for Small and Emerging Companies Raising Capital.”
“Recall the overwhelmingly bipartisan success of the JOBS Act of 2012. It significantly improved access to capital and job creation by small businesses in the United States. We have an opportunity to build on that success,” Piwowar noted. “I look forward to working with members of this Subcommittee to make our public capital markets attractive for small and emerging companies raising capital and to achieve more equitable access to investing in our nation’s entrepreneurs and job creators.”
The Milken Institute has long championed equitable access to capital and investment opportunities for our nation’s small and emerging businesses as demonstrated in the testimony.
The full written testimony can be viewed here.

Michael Piwowar, PhD
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