Statement of Support

Milken Institute Feeding Change Commitment of Support for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

Washington, D.C. – September 28, 2022 – Feeding Change, a program of the Milken Institute, commits to convening its private sector Food Is Medicine (FIM) Task Force to elevate, accelerate, and scale coverage and implementation of a range of FIM prescriptions in alignment with the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health’s Pillar 2: Integrate Nutrition and Health. 

Investing in the intersection of food and healthcare with a patient-centric approach by making multiple FIM prescriptions available is critical to achieving nutrition equity. FIM prescriptions include produce prescriptions and medically tailored groceries and meals.

Through our commitment, we will continue to cultivate and expand our Task Force network and work with members to structure and follow through on their commitments by helping them address implementation challenges, such as technological and data barriers. Our Task Force, in alignment with the White House’s National Strategy, supports patients at all stages of diet-related disease and health condition care to utilize a range of food prescriptions that allow them to live meaningful lives.