
Implementing Nigeria’s National Strategic Cancer Control Plan and Cancer Research Agenda

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Cancer incidence in Nigeria is growing, and mortality rates are high. This is partly due to the fact that most people struggle to access high-quality medical care; consequently, 80 percent of patients present with late stages of disease that are difficult to treat. Nigeria’s National Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (NICRAT) is leading efforts to improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, with strategic plans to expand cancer registries, screening programs, and the oncology workforce.

NICRAT hosted a roundtable in Abuja, Nigeria, organized by the Milken Institute in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. This event engaged 50 participants from across the cancer ecosystem to advance solutions for cancer research, prevention, and care in Nigeria. This report summarizes the roundtable themes and insights, key takeaways, and actionable recommendations. 

By working together, we can reduce the burden of cancer in Nigeria and improve the lives of those affected. 

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