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Leading Corporate Philanthropies: Executive Profiles and Talent Management

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Corporate philanthropy—the efforts companies make to give back to their communities and the world—plays a unique and vital role within the philanthropic sector. Over the last five years, the executives charged with leading corporate philanthropic efforts have faced increasing demands from the public, corporate shareholders, and the C-suite. These challenges are compounded by an ever-growing list of competing priorities and a rapidly changing world.

Who are the leaders responsible for managing tens of billions of dollars in corporate philanthropic giving each year? This Milken Institute report provides an in-depth analysis of nearly 100 corporate philanthropy executives from major companies and their foundations. Using a unique data set, the report reveals that more than 60 percent of executives currently leading corporate foundations or philanthropy teams were hired in the past five years. It also highlights a reversal in hiring trends—after years of recruiting executives from outside the company, businesses are now favoring internal hires for these critical roles.

Recognizing that executives cannot achieve their missions without talented and dynamic teams, the report also explores the challenges within corporate philanthropy talent pools. It examines strategies for building cross-functional teams and fostering a culture where philanthropy and business goals align to create long-term social and corporate impact.

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